We rely on advertisers’ support to publish ZOOM Magazine and distribute it FREE to our communities on the Sunshine Coast. However, ZOOM is not a business directory or a magazine that has advertising on every single page. We also make sure that every advertising piece in ZOOM meets our high design standards.  As a result, advertisements in ZOOM get more attention from readers.

Advertising Rates

Our reasonable advertising rates enable advertisers to reap the rewards of repeat advertisingthe strategy that delivers their message to a broader audience, reaches new customers over a period of time and establishes top-of-mind awareness among their target consumers. The most effective way of building awareness is sustained advertising.

Custom Designed Advertisements

We at ZOOM pride ourselves in striving towards a high level of design quality in our pages. We also apply the same attention to detail and design to all advertising materials, whether they are submitted by advertisers or designed by ZOOM graphic designers. Submitted ad materials are subject to our creative director’s approval to ensure that they meet our design standards and pre-press specifications. For more information on print-ready file specifications, please contact us.


size dimensions rate per ad per issue
full page 8.2″ x 9.95″ $1300
half 4″ x 9.95″ vertical or 8.2″ x 4.875″ horizontal $755
third 4.7″ x 4.875″ square $495 (limited spaces)
big banner 8.2″ x 2.5″ horizontal $495 (limited spaces)
quarter 4″ x 4.875″ vertical $395
banner 8.2″ x 1.325″ horizontal $280 (in special sections)


Market Directory

Our Market Directory is an advertising section which follows a standard layout. The directory is divided into different sections: The Hub (general products and services), Artsense (art-related services), Flavours (food related services), and soon… Havens (accommodations, resorts, spas and the like) and Clicks (web-based businesses and resources).  Advertising in the directory is affordable and allows businesses to have continued presence in ZOOM, an advertising approach that helps increase customers’ retention of business brands and services. In order for the directory to look attractive and uncluttered, a grid style is used with standard typography and a set of rules on photo or logo sizes is strictly followed.


market directory ad rate per ad per issue
one size $199


ZOOM Collector’s Edition 2020

To celebrate ZOOM’s 10th year on the Sunshine Coast, we are combining the Spring and Summer issues into one big Collector’s Edition, slated for distribution in May. Watch out for more details, coming soon!


Full-colour Advertisements

ZOOM is printed using a full-colour process. Rates quoted above are for full-colour advertisements. We can print black and white ads, if your design calls for it, but we do not offer discounts for black and white ads.



A 10% discount is extended to non-profit societies.


Preferred Placement & Bleeds

The decision on where to place your ad in the magazine is completely at the discretion of ZOOM’s editor. If you wish your ad to be placed in a specific location (ex. top right side of page 5), an additional 25% preferred placement fee will be applied to your advertising rate.

ZOOM allows for bleeds (where the ad goes to the edge of the page) for full page ads only.


The Design of Your Ad

We pay careful attention to page layout and design in ZOOM. We know that our advertisers share the same view that effective ads are those that are eye-catching and well-designed. Our graphic designers will be most happy to assist you in creating an aesthetically appealing and effective ad – just send your logo, artwork and other relevant information to . Our design fee of $100.00 per ad may be waived based on the frequency of ad insertions or if the ad layout requires minimal work.


Required Format for Submitted Ads

Submitted ads need to follow the following specifications:

1.  PDF
2.  All images 300 ppi
3.  CMYK (no spot or Pantone colours)
4.  All fonts converted to outlines


To receive a printed copy of our advertising kit and for print-ready file specifications, please contact us.