Clint and Kristy Roberts knew things could get hot in the kitchen. What they didn’t expect during last summer’s opening weekend of their bakery, “Baked on the Coast,” was a shocking 40+ degrees Celsius heat wave. By Sunday they had an air conditioner, and they haven’t looked back since.

It’s been twelve years since the couple picked up and moved to the Sunshine Coast to find a quieter life. When Clint’s previous workplace (a large local timber company) closed its doors, they knew it was time to make a change.

They loved food, people, and community—but how to string all that together into a financially sustainable business? Logging paid well, but it was physically demanding, dangerous, and very stressful. Clint did not care to continue on that career path. He and Kristy wanted to build something together. Something they were proud of and that would incorporate family and fun. A place where they could brighten someone’s day. They knew just the thing . . . a bakery.

With a tempting assortment of made from scratch goods, the Robertses are creating a following. They offer fresh soups, filling sandwiches, donuts, fruit turnovers, squares, and ice cream. People can’t stop raving about their pizza and cheddar buns; kids choose their bakery for treats instead of candy and pop, and some customers are driving all the way from Gibsons for their cinnamon buns.

While the learning curve has been steep, they are having a blast working together and creating a life that they want. Whether you enter in a good or bad mood, Baked on the Coast will always have you leaving with a smile.

Sechelt might have been an easier choice with the availability of more people, but that’s not what the Robertses value. They live in Madeira Park and believe that the area needs more people to invest in making it even better. So that’s what they did, and people have been showing up. Their clientele is increasing and their name is getting out.

Clint and Kristy have a simple plan for life and business: help people, contribute to the community, do it with a smile, and make great food.

I think we can all stand behind that.

Words | Natalie Findlay