
The “off” season on the Sunshine Coast brings so many delights. The creeks and streams have filled with autumn rains and the salmon are returning! Fishers in waders line the shores near the mouths of creeks, and kayakers troll past, rods balanced on their knees.

2020-08-12T12:47:23-07:00October 30, 2017|Destinations|

True North

ZOOM’s creator, Edmund Arceo, took a train trip across Canada this Spring to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary and to have a closer look at this tapestry that makes up our country. He’d like to share some of his impressions with us.

2020-08-12T12:45:28-07:00July 29, 2017|Destinations|

Tetrahedron by Paul Hodgson

Located northeast of Sechelt, Tetrahedron Provincial Park affords visitors some of the most spectacular ocean and mountain views on the Sunshine Coast. The varied landscape includes mountain peaks, freshwater lakes, streams, wetlands, and the Sechelt area’s community watershed. The main access to the park is via Grey Creek forest logging road in Tuwanek. The park [...]

2020-06-14T18:33:37-07:00October 1, 2013|Destinations, Photographers|

Rockwater: Dream Destination

It is no secret that the Sunshine Coast has some of the best vacation and adventure destinations in British Columbia. It came as no surprise, therefore, when the Sunshine Coast’s Rockwater Resort was named as one of the world’s top twelve Dream Destinations by the Teldon Media Group, and the only one from North America, [...]

2020-06-10T19:02:29-07:00March 20, 2013|Destinations|