You can tell spring has arrived on the Sunshine Coast. While the rest of Canada still has shovels at their doors, we have been watching flowers grow. Our many local gardening and lawn-care businesses are fully stocked, and the talented landscape teams are already hard at work all over town. Now is the time to get ready for spring.


Planning is like seeds to gardening. With the right seeds, tending, and watering, a beautiful bounty of flowers or food rewards our efforts. It’s important to think ahead. It’s dispiriting for everyone (maybe especially the plants) when we realize that the spot is too shady, the shrubberies too large, or the pathway too trampled for the plantings we’ve chosen.

Planning starts with the all-important question: what do I/we want?

When I first started planning, that question was too broad. As I hope you will see, there are so many variables we can easily overlook, so let’s break it down.


Really spend some time with these questions. Visit or look at gardens in your community, at your friends’ homes, or online and feel your way to the answers. What fits you, your lifestyle, and your goals? What makes you envious?

Ask yourself:

  1. What is my budget now and my ongoing maintenance budget?
  2. Do I want to plan my landscape myself or work with a professional?
  3. Do I want a flower or vegetable garden, or just a place to relax and entertain, or a combination?
  4. What is my lifestyle—will I be here during the summers?
  5. How much ongoing work do I want to do?
  6. Will I do the ongoing maintenance, or will I hire a service company?
  7. What is my experience and knowledge base? Am I okay with things not always working out in my garden/yard?
  8. Am I thinking of selling my home in the next two to five years?
  9. What makes me happy when I am outdoors or in a garden/yard?
  10. What do I intend to do with any flowers or produce I grow?


  1. What type of soil do I have in my yard? What is the soil’s pH? Does it need balancing or fortifying?
  2. How does my soil drain—any pooling or standing water? Is my yard sloped?
  3. What climate/planting zone am I in? Watering restrictions in the summer?
  4. When and where in my yard does the sun come and go? How much is in shade?
  5. What type of pests are common in my area? How will I deal with them?
  6. Do I know what plant and pest species are invasive and what to do if I find them?
  7. Do I want any special features or do I need to incorporate any issues into
    my plans?
  8. Is my neighbourhood or community leaning toward natural pest solutions?
  9. What do I need to know to ensure harmony with my neighbours?
  10. Are there wild foragers and visitors in my area? How will I deal with them?
  11. Do I have pets? If so, how will I ensure their health as I create my landscape?
  12. What do I need to include to be successful—greenhouse, garden shed, compost bin, patio stones, etc.?
  13. How close is my garden to the house? To my water source? Is it easily accessed by wheelbarrow or truck, for soil deliveries?

With clear answers to these questions, you are ready to begin creating your landscape plan. If you choose to work with a professional to design and create your space, these answers will give them a head start and help you see results more quickly.